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Amigurumi Recipe Booklet - Unicorn

Want to make this beautiful Unicorn?
With this recipe you will make several like this one.

NOTE: This is a Digital Recipe, in PDF file, in crochet (contains photos).

SENDING: The PDF Recipe will be sent by e-mail (make sure your e-mail registration on Elo7 is correct).
It will be sent within 24 hours after payment confirmation.

Attention: We do not send by whatsapp or other digital means, only by e-mail.

We recommend printing and/or saving in a safe place. The resending will only be done within 5 days after the initial sending.

All rights reserved.

This recipe must be used for personal and non-transferable use only.
It may not be resold or given away (for free or not), whether in print or digitally.

It may not be published in whole or in part on a website, blog, youtube, facebook, whatsapp or other digital media.

It is allowed to make the piece for personal use or sale.

Approximate final measure with the indicated thread (100% cotton):
26cm (height) by 20cm (length).
OBS: It will be much larger if a thicker thread is used.

Código do produto: 1B34C4A

Adicionado em: 23/01/2023

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  1. Apostila
  2. Tricô e Crochê
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Unicorn - Digital Revenue (english)

R$ 20,00

ou 4x de R$ 5,53 no cartão

  • Produto digital

    Arquivo a ser disponibilizado

  • Flash: envio imediato

    100 unidades disponíveis

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